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Monday, June 28, 2010


The Iranian endocrinologist Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani (Iranian Center of Excellence in Endocrinology), said to have discovered a blood test able to predict with minimum error margins (4 months), the age of occurrence of female menopause that usually happens among 42-58 years. Option arisen after studying 266 women (20-49 years), of those 63 were menopausal. The test is based on existent correlation among levels of anti-Müller hormone (AMH, that controls development of ovarian follicles) and the numbers of ova. When being born a female baby has 800.000 eggs and before the menopause: 1000. High levels of the AMH hormone predict late menopauses. If a 20 year-old woman has a concentration of AMH of 2.8 ng/mL, she will be menopausal between 35 and 38 years. Also, of every 10 women in late reproductive age with AMH levels greater than 0,39 ng/mL only one will reach menopause status within the next 6 years. Ramezani believes that there are enough data to create a mathematical model able to predict the age of female menopause, to identify early menopauses, to prepare of but precision family plannings, to retard the pregnancy for working reasons,etc.


La endocrinóloga iraní Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani (Iranian Center of Excellence in Endocrinology), informó haber descubierto un test sanguíneo capaz de predecir con minimos márgenes de error (4 meses), la edad de ocurrencia de la menopausia femenina que normalmente ocurre entre los 42-58 años. Opción surgida tras estudiar 266 mujeres (20-49 años), de las que 63 eran menopáusicas. El test se basa en la correlación existente entre los niveles de la hormona anti-Müller (AMH, que controla el desarrollo de los folículos ováricos) y el número de óvulos. Al nacer una bebé hembra tiene 800.000 huevos y antes de la menopausia: 1000. Altos niveles de la hormona predicen menopausias tardias. Si una mujer de 20 años tiene una concentración de AMH de 2.8 nanograms/ml, será menopausica entre los 35 y 38 años. Ramezani cree que hay datos suficientes para crear un modelo matemático capaz de pronosticar la edad de la menopausia femenina, identificar menopausias tempranas, disponer de mas precisión para planificaciones familiares, retrasar el embarazo por razones trabajo,etc.



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