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Thursday, June 17, 2010


According to Matthew Longo and Patrick Haggard (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience/University College London), our brains have highly distorted representations of the size and form of our hands and almost with all security of other body parts. Conclusion extracted after urging 100 human volunteers to place the palms of their left hands on a table. After covering their hands with a board, volunteers were required to indicate where the knuckles and tip of their fingers were, being demonstrated an overestimation (80% but), of the width of hands and fingers and an underestimation of ring finger, perceived but cut and thick (40% less). What happens because our brain not necessarily uses an exact model of our body (as previously was thought), to locate diverse body parts. In fact our brain uses feedbacks of muscles and articulations and some sui generis internal pattern to estimate the size and shape of each body part. Regions of high sensibility of the skin (fingertips and lips), occupy big cerebral areas, influencing in the relative size perceived by the subject of his fingers and lips. For the case of anorexia nervosa it could happen that people suffering such disease would perceive their bodies very wide (too fat), eating very few.


Según Matthew Longo y Patrick Haggard (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience/University College London), nuestros cerebros tienen representaciones altamente distorsionadas del tamaño y forma de nuestras manos y casi con toda seguridad de otras partes corporales. Conclusión extraida tras instar a 100 voluntarios a colocar las palmas de sus manos izquierdas sobre una mesa. Después de cubrirlas con una capa, los voluntarios fueron requeridos a indicar donde estaban los nudillos y punta de sus dedos, demostrandose una sobreestimacion (80% mas), del ancho de manos y dedos y una infravaloración del dedo anular, percibido mas corto y grueso (40% menos). Lo que sucede porque nuestro cerebro no necesariamente emplea un modelo exacto del cuerpo (como se pensaba), para localizar diversas partes corporales. En realidad nuestro cerebro emplea feedbacks de musculos y articulaciones y algun modelo interno sui generis, para estimar el tamaño y forma de cada parte corporal. Regiones de alta sensibilidad de la piel (punta de dedos y labios), ocupan grandes areas cerebrales, influyendo en el tamaño relativo percibido por el sujeto de dedos y diversas partes corporales. Para el caso de la anorexia nervosa, las personas que sufren esta enfermedad percibirían sus cuerpos como muy anchos (obesos), autoobligandose a no comer.



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