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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Indian American neurologist VS Ramachandran described in his books: Phantoms in the Brain (1998) and The tell-tale Brain (2010), several cases of brain damage followed by the emergence of new gifts and talents that he attributed to self-brain-remapping (rewiring) in order to maintain adequate functional activity of damaged brain. I) One of his patients after suffering an intracerebral hematoma, be aphasic and be operated in emergency noted that his Italian language skills improved significantly. II) after Lord Nelson lost his right arm in 1797, he continued perceiving his fingers in his nonexistent hand palm. A struggle to maintain non damaged neural connections with the removed. III) Other patients improved dormant arts. IV) Ramachandran itemizes alien hand syndrome in which both hands acts independently of the desire of the other (left hand closes a drawer, right opens it). Each hand seems having minds of their own. V) The researcher also describes cases of anosognosia (denial of illness, inability to perceive that certain part of our body is paralyzed). President Wilson said he was very good after a stroke that caused him a left hemiplegia in 1919.


El neurologo hindu-americano VS Ramachandran refiere en Phantoms in the Brain (1998) y The tell-tale Brain (2010), varios casos de daño cerebral seguidos a continuación de emergencia de nuevos talentos y dones que el atribuye al auto-remapeo cerebral (rewiring), a fin de mantener en adecuada actividad funcional al cerebro dañado. I) Uno de sus pacientes tras sufrir un hematoma intracerebral, quedar afásico y ser operado de emergencia observo que su dominio del idioma italiano mejoro ostensiblemente. II) después que Lord Nelson perdiera su brazo derecho en 1797, continuo percibiendo sus dedos en su palma de mano inexistente. Una lucha por mantener las conexiones neurales no dañadas con las eliminadas. III) Otros pacientes adquieren artes latentes. IV) Ramachandran pormenoriza el síndrome de la mano extraña (alien-hand síndrome), en el que una mano actua independientemente del deseo de la otra (mano izquierda cierra un cajón, derecha la abre). Cada mano parece poseer mente propia. 5) Tambien describe casos de anosognosia (negacion de la enfermedad, incapacidad para percibir que una parte de nuestro propio cuerpo esta paralizado). El Presidente Wilson dijo estar en forma, despues de un accidente cerebrovascular que le ocasiono una hemiplejia izquierda en 1919.



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